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Optional Postfix Spam Fighting Tips

Note: Most of this will be unnecessary if you have installed RSpamd. Another layer probably won't hurt to improve security but it will make troubleshooting more difficult should a mail not be making it through to your server.

Reject Email if SMTP Client Has no PTR record

Due to the prevalence of spam, many mail servers require that SMTP clients have valid PTR records associated with their IP addresses. Every mail server admin should set PTR record for their SMTP servers.

To filter out emails with no PTR records, open Postfix main configuration file:

nano /etc/postfix/

Add the following line in smtpd_sender_restrictions. This directive rejects an email if the client IP address has no PTR record.



smtpd_sender_restrictions =

Restart Postfix for the change to take effect.

systemctl restart postfix

Enable HELO/EHLO Hostname Restrictions in Postfix

Some spammers don’t provide a valid HELO/EHLO hostname in the SMTP dialog. They can be non fully qualified domain name, or a domain name doesn’t exist or only for internal network.

To enable HELO/EHLO hostname restriction, edit Postfix main configuration file:

nano /etc/postfix/

Add the following line to require the client to provide a HELO/EHLO hostname:

smtpd_helo_required = yes

Use the following line to reject non fully qualified HELO/EHLO hostname:


Use the following line to reject clients who provide malformed HELO/EHLO hostname:


To reject email when the HELO/EHLO hostname has neither DNS A record nor MX record, use:


Note that although most legitimate mail servers have valid A record for the HELO/EHLO hostname, occasionally a legitimate mail server doesn’t meet this requirement. You need to whitelist them with check_helo_access.

check_helo_access hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access

Create the /etc/postfix/helo_access file:

nano /etc/postfix/helo_access

Whitelist legitimate mail server’s HELO/EHLO hostname like below.    OK


smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restrictions =
    check_helo_access hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access

Save and close the file, then reload Postfix.

systemctl reload postfix

Reject Email if SMTP Client Hostname doesn’t have valid A Record

A legitimate email server should also have a valid A record for its hostname. The IP address returned from A record should match the IP address of email server. To filter out emails from hosts that don’t have valid A record, edit Postfix main configuration file.

nano /etc/postfix/

Add the following lines in smtpd_sender_restrictions:



smtpd_sender_restrictions =

Save and close the file. Then restart Postfix for the change to take effect:

systemctl restart postfix

Reject Email If MAIL FROM Domain Has Neither MX Record Nor A Record

The MAIL FROM address is also known as envelope from address. Some spammers use a non-existent domain in the MAIL FROM address. If a domain name has no MX record, Postfix will find the A record of the main domain and send email to that host. If the sender domain has neither MX record nor A record, Postfix can’t send email to that domain. So why not reject emails that you can’t reply to?

To filter out this kind of spam, edit Postfix main configuration file:

nano /etc/postfix/

Add the following line in smtpd_sender_restrictions. It will reject email if the domain name of the address supplied with the MAIL FROM command has neither MX record nor A record:



smtpd_sender_restrictions =

Save and close the file. Then restart Postfix for the change to take effect:

systemctl restart postfix

Enable Greylisting in Postfix

As required by the SMTP protocol, any legitimate SMTP client must be able to re-send email if delivery fails. (By default, Postfix is configured to resend failed emails many times before it informs the sender that the message could not be delivered.) Many spammers usually just send once and would not retry.

Postgrey is a greylisting policy server for Postfix. You can install postgrey using apt:

apt install postgrey

Start and enable with:

systemctl start postgrey
systemctl enable postgrey

It listens on TCP port 10023 on localhost (both IPv4 and IPv6):

netstat -lnpt | grep postgrey

By default, the greylist time is 300 seconds, which means an unknown SMTP client needs to wait 5 minutes before re-sending the email. If that’s very long to you, you can change it to 60 seconds or 120 seconds. This can be configured in /etc/default/postgrey file:

nano /etc/default/postgrey

Find the following line:


Change it to:

POSTGREY_OPTS="--inet= --delay=60"

Save and close the file. Then restart postgrey for the change to take effect.

systemctl restart postgrey

Next, we need to edit Postfix main configuration file to make it use the greylisting policy server:

nano /etc/postfix/

Add the following line in smtpd_recipient_restrictions:

check_policy_service inet:

Restart Postfix.

systemctl restart postfix

From now on, Postgrey will reject an email if the sender triplet (sender IP address, sender email address, recipient email address) is new.

Chinese email spammers like to use a fake, weird-looking and randomly generated sender address for every email, so adding these fake email addresses to blacklist won’t stop them. On the other hand, they never try re-sending a rejected email with the same sender address, which means greylisting can be very effective at stopping this kind of spam.

Greylisting can result in bad experience for the end user, as the user has to wait another several minutes for the email to arrive. To minimize this bad experience, you can create whitelist.

Postgrey ships with two whitelist files (/etc/postgrey/whitelist_clients and /etc/postgrey/whitelist_recipients). The former contains a list of hostnames and the latter contains a list of recipient addresses.

By default, Google’s mail servers are whitelisted. No matter the sender is using a address or other address, as long as the sender is using Google’s mail server, Postgrey won’t reject the email.

You can add other hostnames in whitelist_clients file, like

Using Public Anti-Spam Blacklists

There are spam emails that are sent from servers that has a valid hostname, valid PTR record and can pass through grey listing. In this case, you can use blacklisting to reject spam. There are many public anti-spam blacklists online. You can use multiple blacklists to block spam. Go to and , enter the spammer’s domain and IP address to see which blacklists are blocking them, then you can use those blacklists. Some example blacklists:

So we can add the following configurations in /etc/postfix/ file. Some public blacklisting service requires monthly fee. For now, we'll use the free services of,, and

nano /etc/postfix/
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =


  • reject_rhsbl_helo makes Postfix reject email when the client HELO or EHLO hostname is blacklisted.
  • reject_rhsbl_reverse_client: reject the email when the unverified reverse client hostname is blacklisted. Postfix will fetch the client hostname from PTR record. If the hostname is blacklisted, reject the email.
  • reject_rhsbl_sender makes Postfix reject email when the MAIL FROM domain is blacklisted.
  • reject_rbl_client: This is an IP-based blacklist. When the client IP address is backlisted, reject the email.

Some spammers use Google’s mail server, so reject_rhsbl_helo is ineffective, but most of them use their own domain names in the MAIL FROM header, so reject_rhsbl_sender will be effective.

Create A Whitelist

Sometimes there are legitimate email servers blacklisted. You can create a whitelist so they won’t be blocked. Create the following file.

nano /etc/postfix/rbl_override

In this file, whitelist domain names like below.  OK           //This domain belongs to      OK           //This domain belongs to mailerlite email marketing service

Save and close the file. Then run the following command to create the rbl_override.db file:

postmap /etc/postfix/rbl_override

Edit Postfix main configuration file:

nano /etc/postfix/

In smtpd_recipient_restrictions, add the following line after reject_unauth_destination, but before the first blacklist:

check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/rbl_override,

Reload Postfix for the changes to take effect.

systemctl reload postfix

Using Public Whitelist to Reduce False Positive

Maintaining a private whitelist is necessary sometimes, but you can also use public whitelists, the most famous of which is Currently, there is only a whitelist for IP address. Domain name whitelist is in beta. To use it, put the following line in smtpd_recipient_restrictions.


It should be placed above the reject_rbl_client check.

Another well-known whitelist is, so you can also add it to your configuration.


It’s impossible for an IP address to be listed in Spamhaus whitelist and blacklist at the same time, so if you only use Spamhaus blacklist in Postfix, then it’s not necessary to check against Spamhaus whitelist.